Covid-19 Preparedness Plan

Angie’s Learning Center is working in compliance with MDH and CDC guidelines for childcare centers to ensure the safety of our children and staff.


We will reinforce handwashing routines especially upon arrival, after being in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, before and after all snacks and meals, and after bathroom use. If soap and water are unavailable, we will use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. We will ensure the children are supervised while using hand sanitizer and that is in inaccessible to them when not in use. 

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Angie’s is following the MDH and CDC Guidance for frequent cleaning and disinfecting. We are cleaning and sanitizing all touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, gates, cribs, counters, tables and chairs, shared toys and any other equipment that is used by the children and staff. We have minimized use of shared supplies and have taken away any items that cannot be sanitized on a daily basis.  

If a person has a confirmed case of Covid-19 we will have to close for 2 weeks. The staff will then enter back into the building after two or three days and go through the entire building cleaning and disinfecting. While wearing gloves we will use soap and water and also use a bleach formula that will disinfect.

Our bleach solution is:

   5 tablespoons (1/3 cup) of bleach per gallon of water OR

   4 teaspoons of bleach per quart of water

Arrival & Departure

Whenever possible a staff will greet families outside and limit the extent to which the families enter the building and interact with each other. The child/children are then handed off at the door and staff checks them in/out. The children are screened to ensure those with symptoms are not attending.

Screening process for children: 

Plans for Sick Children & Staff

As we will conduct daily health checks which includes screening the children and staff and household members to ensure those who exhibit symptoms of an illness are not present.

If and when a person ends up with the symptoms such as a cough, shortness of breath or at least two of the following symptoms such as a fever, chills, muscle pains, sore throat, loss of sense of smell, gastrointestinal symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea; we will send them home and ask them to go see the doctor. If they tested positive for Covid-19 the person will stay at home for at least ten days, from when symptoms first appeared and until no fever for at least three days without medication and improvement of other symptoms. Siblings and household members also will stay home for 14 days.

 If they receive a negative result but still have symptoms and have no other diagnosis, we will have them to stay home 10 days since the symptoms appeared and until no fever for at least three days without medication and improvement of other symptoms. Siblings and household members will also stay home for 14 days.

If they are just staying at home watching their symptoms (no DR), they will stay home for 10 days since the symptoms appeared and until no fever for at least three days without medication and improvement of other symptoms. Sibling and household members also stay home for 14 days.

 For people that have other diagnosis such as norovirus, strep throat, etc. that explains the symptoms that they have, the person will stay at home until symptoms have improved and follow the guidelines of 24 hours without medication before they can return and no more symptoms are existing. Siblings and house members do not need to stay home at that point.

We will be using the MDH and CDC resources above and we will notify each family and staff if a person has been exposed or exhibiting symptoms, or that has tested positive.

Social Distancing Throughout the Day

We will limit group sizes as much as possible and create consistent groups of children, providers, and volunteers to stay together throughout the day.  At nap time will ensure that the children’s naptime cots are spaced out as much as possible. We will consider placing the children’s head to toe in order to further reduce the potential for viral spread. (We will do the best we can with what age group we are working with!)

Source Control & Cloth Face Coverings

Although the state is recommending us to where masks, Angie’s is choosing not to use them at this time. As for now it is not a requirement. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact Angie.

Workplace Ventilation

At Angie’s there is not a whole lot of air circulation, but we do open the windows if it is appropriate. We also have the air conditioning running which helps circulate air. We also encouraging plenty of outdoor time.

Playground Use

We used to allow infants to go down to the public playground and swing for a bit. We have decided to take that away to help reduce touching objects and play structures that are used in our community. As for our playground we have a small group of toddlers, so we are still allowing them to play out there at the same time. When our enrollment increases, we will stagger the playground use into smaller group settings. We will ensure that the children and staff are washing hands before and after outside time. Also, the equipment will be washed and sanitized daily.

Meals & Snacks

Angie’s staff will seat the children spaced apart and ensure the children are not touching other friends’ utensils. Also, we will continue to wash and sanitize tables before and after each snack or meal.

Field Trips & Events

Angie’s does not take field trips.

Communicating & Training

Angie (the Director) will be sure to communicate to the families and staff the expectations for parents and children in implementing this plan. Angie will ensure all staff is well trained on our Covid-19 preparedness plan.

The plan will be posted in a prominent place and readily accessible to the entire facility and whom may need to review it. Training will be provided to ensure everyone is following the plan. The plan will be updated on any changes that come in. Angie will hold a meeting with staff to go through the plan each time there is a change. The staff will sign a form showing they have read and understand the Covid-19 preparedness plan.

If there are any questions you can contact MNOSHA compliance at, 651-284-5050 or 877-470-6742.

Contact Us

Have a question about our services or just want to say hello? Please contact us using the form below.